About the Closure of Small Press Distribution: FAQ

Updated March 12, 2025

On March 28, 2024, Small Press Distribution (SPD), a distributor that served hundreds of independent literary publishers, announced on its website and in a letter to publishers that its operations had ceased, effective immediately.

To help publishers affected by this closure, CLMP has created this FAQ page and will continue to update it with information as we learn more.

If you have any questions or suggestions about how CLMP can continue to help, please email Lauren Rosemary Hook, Project Director.

Monthly Office Hours for SPD Publishers

As of February 2025, CLMP is hosting monthly office hours for publishers formerly distributed by SPD, every second and third Wednesday of the month.

Publishers that have secured new distributors should join us Wednesday, March 12 at 4 p.m. ET (and every second Wednesday of the month thereafter). REGISTER HERE!

Publishers that have not secured new distributors (either because they want to self-distribute or are having trouble finding one), should join us Wednesday, March 19 at 4 p.m. ET (and every third Wednesday of the month thereafter). REGISTER HERE!

These gatherings provide an opportunity to ask questions and share information. Discuss your publisher’s challenges and successes with Cursory Literary consultant Emily Cook, CLMP executive director Mary Gannon, and CLMP project director Lauren Hook, and come for professional support and community building! 

2025 SPD Publisher Survey

CLMP is issuing a third survey to gauge how presses are faring approximately a year after SPD’s closure. Please take a few minutes to complete this important survey, which will inform our continued efforts to support all publishers impacted by the transition. We plan to issue a report with the survey’s findings to share with the literary community and other literary stakeholders.

CLMP’s Guide to Distribution

This new guide provides book publishers with information about distributor options; how to onboard and develop partnerships with distributors; how to set up metadata; and other tips, such as best practices for cover design. Also included is a selection of downloadable templates—an author questionnaire, an author contacts list form, and a metadata form—that we hope you find useful.

SPD’s Dissolution Process

SPD’s dissolution is being overseen by the Superior Court of Alameda County, and the process is still ongoing. The court has ruled on the distribution of SPD’s limited remaining assets, and there will unfortunately be no money left for publishers who filed claims. There is one more hearing scheduled for March 26, 2025, and CLMP will be in touch with any further updates at that time. To read more about the current status of SPD’s dissolution, please see our overview here.

SPD Publisher/Distributor List

CLMP has compiled a list of all publishers distributed by SPD at the time of its closure and their new distributor or new method(s) of distribution. You can find the list here. If any information is missing or appears incorrect, please email Lauren Rosemary Hook, Project Director.

Funding Opportunities

Is there any assistance available to publishers previously distributed by SPD?
CLMP had two recent grant opportunities available for literary publishers: the Professional Development Consulting Program and the 2025 NYSCA NYTAP Regrant Program. Deadlines for both were January 20, 2025 at 11:59pm PT.

Previously, CLMP announced a new regranting program for presses distributed by SPD at the time of its closure. Through the Small Press Future Fund, presses could apply for grants of $5,000, $10,000, or $15,000 to implement projects that will strengthen operations and distribution efforts as they recover. The application period is closed, and recipients have been notified. Funding from the Mellon Foundation makes this program possible.

Previously, on April 25, 2024, the Poetry Foundation announced the Bridge Fund for Small Presses. Nonprofit presses that publish poetry and have been impacted by the SPD closure, including those that are fiscally sponsored, were eligible. Guidelines can be viewed here.

Additionally, on April 25, 2024, CLMP announced the NYSCA-CLMP Forward Fund. Nonprofit, New York State-based publishers impacted by the closure of SPD, including those that are fiscally sponsored, were eligible. Guidelines can be viewed here.

Legal Claims and Complaints Against SPD

How can presses go about getting the sales money that SPD owes them?
While there is no guarantee of relief, publishers that are negatively impacted by SPD’s dissolution have at least two course of nonlitigation action that they can explore:

  1. Submit a claim against SPD with its attorney, Tovella Dowling (“claim”)
  2. File a complaint against SPD with the California Attorney General’s office (“complaint”)

More detailed information about submitting claims and complaints can be viewed hereFor publishers interested in filing claims and/or complaints, it is recommended that those be mailed by August 1, 2024, though the claim deadline was extended by the court until October 10. CLMP asks publishers who do choose to file to email project director Lauren Rosemary Hook, so we can keep track.

The information provided herein does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice. All information provided herein is for general informational purposes only. You should contact an attorney to obtain advice with respect to your rights and potential remedies.

I received a response from Tovella Dowling about my press’s claim against SPD. The letter includes a “notice of partial claim rejection.” Do I need to resubmit a new claim excluding those rejected costs in order for the rest of my claim to be considered?
No, publishers do not need to submit a new claim for the undisputed portion of their claim. The accepted amount will be provided to the court by Tovella Dowling for consideration of final distribution of SPD’s remaining assets.

Inventory and Stock Reports

SPD has stated that its inventory of 300,000 books is currently divided between warehouses operated by Ingram Content Group and Publishers Storage and Shipping (PSSC). How do we know if our books are currently warehoused with Ingram or PCCS?
According to SPD, all publishers were notified during the move from SPD’s warehouse whether their books went to Ingram or PSSC. SPD says that both Ingram and PSSC have the full list of publishers and contact information for them all. Ingram and PSSC have been reaching out directly to the presses. To contact PSSC, email Pam Nuffer at [email protected]. To contact Ingram, email [email protected] or IPSDepartures@ingramcontent.com.

Previous inventory reports sent by SPD include warehouse numbers. Can these numbers help presses determine where their books are located?
Yes. According to SPD, the two warehouse numbers that remain relevant are 06, which means inventory is at PSSC, and 07, which means inventory is at Ingram. Numbers that are no longer relevant are 66, which meant the books were in transit to PSSC, and 77, which meant the books were in transit to Ingram.

Can presses get their books back, and, if so, how?
Yes, presses can get their books back, but they will have to pay for shipping and handling.

What will the process be for presses whose books are warehoused with PSSC?
PSSC has a list of the inventory it received from SPD and has reached out individually to presses via email. Presses that believe their books are held by PSSC but that have not received an email should contact Pam Nuffer at [email protected].

Presses with books held by PSSC will have three options: to have the books shipped to the press’s office or another destination; to become short-term or long-term fulfillment customers of PSSC; or to have the books destroyed. PSSC will discuss fees for each of these options with individual presses.

PSSC will be granting a grace period through June 30, 2024, before storage charges will be assessed on inventory.

What will the process be for presses whose books are with Ingram?
Ingram reached out to all publishers whose books they are warehousing with instructions that included the fact that publishers should complete and return the form linked here (ideally by April 17). Publishers will be responsible for covering the shipping and handling costs. Ingram will provide publishers with a quote and payment instructions, upon receipt of the completed form. Any inventory remaining in Ingram’s distribution center will be recycled. Ingram will continue to process returns from Ingram wholesale customers for all titles that remain associated with the SPD account for six months. All returns will be recycled, unless agreed otherwise. Publishers with questions should email [email protected] or IPSDepartures@ingramcontent.com.

For more information, visit this page.

Can presses access their stock reports from SPD?
According to SPD, no. SPD and its systems are shut down.

SPD has also managed the inventories of several now-defunct presses. How can authors published by these presses obtain the remaining copies of their books?
According to SPD, they would need to query PSSC. But the former presses would likely need to instruct PSSC to release ownership to the authors.

Amazon Pages

How can presses regain control of their Amazon pages?
According to SPD, it instructed Amazon that ownership and sales for the titles listed on Amazon should revert to the publishers. Amazon’s Advantage team has created an inbox through which SPD publishers can submit inquiries about how to sell titles via Advantage or through POD. The Advantage program allows publishers to keep any detail pages that already exist on Amazon. Impacted publishers can reach out to [email protected] to receive more information.

What Is CLMP Doing to Help?

CLMP is working full-force to field questions and compile information that we’re sharing with members and any other presses previously distributed by SPD. We convened an emergency session on March 29 for all publishers affected by SPD’s closure, featuring representatives from Asterism Books and Bookmobile/Itasca Books.

On April 1, CLMP hosted an information session with PSSC.

On April 4, we distributed a survey to as many presses previously distributed by SPD as we have contact information for. Our aim is to collect information about the financial impact these presses are facing, along with other relevant information, to help guide our next steps.

On April 8, we hosted an information session with distributor Independent Publishers Group.

On April 9, we hosted an information session with distributor Itasca Books.

On April 15, we hosted a webinar with Kickstarter for those presses looking to learn more about its fundraising platform.

On April 19, we hosted an information session with representatives from Ingram Content Group.

On April 25, we announced the NYSCA-CLMP Forward Fund, through which nonprofit, New York State-based publishers impacted by the closure of SPD, including those that are fiscally sponsored, may apply for grants of $500 or $1,000. Guidelines are available here.

On April 30, CLMP hosted an Information Session with representatives from the Poetry Foundation about the Bridge Fund for Small Presses, through which nonprofit presses that publish poetry and have been impacted by the SPD closure may apply for support.

On June 27, we distributed a follow-up survey to gauge how presses were faring three months after SPD’s closure. We encourage all former SPD presses to participate in the survey, which can be found here.

On July 11, CLMP shared general guidance for publishers considering filing claims and complaints against SPD. More information can be found here.

On October 18, we hosted a virtual gathering for all SPD presses, discussing SPD’s dissolution process, grant opportunities, and more.

On October 28, we announced the Small Press Future Fund, a grant available to all presses distributed by SPD at the time of its closure. Publishers could apply for grants of $5,000, $10,000, and $15,000. Guidelines are available here.

From July through December 2024, CLMP offered SPD publishers free one-on-one meetings with distribution expert and consultant Emily Cook of Cursor Literary. 

Recordings of these events are available to CLMP Members through our Resource Library. Other presses previously distributed by SPD that are interested in viewing these recordings may email [email protected], and we’ll provide access.

Additional events will be posted on our Events page.

Are There Other Literary Stakeholders Offering Help?

Milwaukee, Wisconsin–based Woodland Pattern, home to the largest collection of small-press poetry for sale in the country, has announced several initiatives to help. Here’s what they plan to do:

  • Establish and renew standing orders with presses formerly carried by SPD.
  • Launch by this summer a monthly subscription program through which customers can receive new small-press titles delivered to their home anywhere in the US.
  • Expand their Small Press Appreciation programming series to feature and direct more funds to small presses.

Woodland Pattern encourages small presses to contact them about carrying your titles directly by emailing [email protected].