Staff & Board

Alisa Reynya earned a BA in English Literature and minors in Creative Writing and Communication from Purdue University, where she read poetry and fiction for Purdue's undergraduate and graduate literary magazines, The Bell Tower and Sycamore Review. Since graduating, she has interned for the independent nonprofit publishers Feminist Press and Restless Books.

Claire Russell
Program Assistant

Nicole Dewey (Chair)
Publishing Director / Spiegel & Grau
Judy Hottensen (Vice Chair)
Associate Publisher / Grove Atlantic
Ellis B. Levine, Esq. (Treasurer)
Partner / Cowan DeBaets Abrahams & Sheppard, LLP
Katie Dublinski (Secretary)
Associate Publisher / Graywolf Press
Tomer Inbar
Partner / Morgan Lewis
Justin Jamail
General Counsel / New York Botanical Garden
Beena Kamlani
Author & Editor
Nick Parker
Director / Two Rivers Distribution
Deborah Paredez
Author, Cofounder / CantoMundo & Associate Professor of creative writing and ethnic studies / Columbia University
Clarence Reynolds
Former Director of Literary Programs / The Center for Black Literature at Medgar Evers College CUNY
David Wilk
Owner / Creative Management Partners, LLC (Booktrix)