Hear about creative ways to generate revenue beyond sales and subscriptions at this CLMP panel at #AWP25.
Event Date
Event Time
12:10 pm - 1:25 pm
Event Venue
Concourse Hall 152, Level One, Los Angeles Convention Center

Publishers cannot live on sales alone. In this panel, hear from presses and magazines that have found success pursuing creative strategies for generating revenue, including membership/subscription models, crowdfunding campaigns, merch sales, and local business partnerships. Join us to learn how to set up and pursue alternative funding strategies to support your publishing work for years to come.
Learn more about this event and register for AWP.
Moderator: Montana Agte-Studier, Senior Membership Director, CLMP
Diane Goettel, Executive Editor, Black Lawrence Press
Maria Maloney, Founder and Publisher, Mouthfeel Press
Krystie Yen, Founder and Executive Director, Slant’d