In this CLMP-sponsored virtual panel, indie presses and magazines discuss the most successful digital and social media strategies they’ve used to expand their reach, engage their audience, and build community.
Learn more about this panel and register for AWP.
Emma Hine is the communications manager of the Community of Literary Magazines and Presses (CLMP). Her debut poetry collection, Stay Safe, received the 2019 Kathryn A. Morton Prize.
Jisu Kim is the senior marketing and sales manager at the Feminist Press at CUNY.
Joanna Demkiewicz is the marketing director at Milkweed Editions and former publicist for the press. Prior to joining Milkweed, she worked in restaurant publicity, and for five years, she co-ran a print and digital magazine, The Riveter. A graduate of the University of Missouri Journalism School, she has served as a freelance editor on two journalism anthologies.
NaBeela Washington is an Alabama-raised poet, editor, and budding art collector. She is the founder and editor-in-chief of the magazine Lucky Jefferson, which received the 2021 Firecracker Award in Magazines/Best Debut.
Esther Kim is a freelance writer and communications strategist in New York City. She is the former Digital Communications Manager of the Asian American Writers’ Workshop. Since 2013, she has worked for academic and indie publishers in New York City and London and studied at the University of Edinburgh and SOAS.