LitNet Annual Meeting at #AWP25

Join LitNet for the Annual Meeting at AWP 2025 in Los Angeles!

Event Date
Event Time
9:00 am - 11:50 am
Event Venue
Room 407, Level Two, Los Angeles Convention Center


LitNet is a coalition of literary organizations from across the United States that works to promote the importance of the literary arts in American culture, build the capacity of the literary field, and broaden funding for the literary arts. All CLMP members are also members of LitNet.

Representatives from LitNet will share updates about our work and the literary arts field. The meeting (9-10:15 a.m.) will be followed by time to connect with colleagues over coffee and a light breakfast (10:15-11:50 a.m.). Please let us know if you’re planning to attend by completing the RSVP form below.