Get ideas for how to manage and monetize growing archives of print and digital magazine issues at this CLMP panel at #AWP25.
Event Date
Event Time
1:45 pm - 3:00 pm
Event Venue
Room 515B, Level Two, Los Angeles Convention Center

Accumulating a sizable magazine archive is an impressive feat—a mark of longevity and success over years of publishing. Deciding what to do with a growing collection of old issues is another question. The magazines on this panel have found success in storing, sharing, monetizing, and/or digitizing their archives. Panelists will discuss how to store physical archives, options for monetizing back issues, how to undertake a digitization project, and more.
Learn more about this event and register for AWP.
Moderator: Mary Gannon, Executive Director, CLMP
Kevin Craft, Executive Editor, Poetry Northwest
Joy Garnett, Art Director, Evergreen Review
Emily Wallis Hughes, Editorial Co-Director, Fence