Issue #2: Collide-oscope

Call For Submissions

Heart on Our Sleeves Press is opening up submissions again for our second-ever issue! This time, we’ll be accepting work for a three-month period: from September 30th to December 30th. (An extra month has been allotted to allow for more exposure and to give writers leeway to get their pieces in during the busy fall/winter holidays.)

Our second theme is “Collide-oscope”–and it’s just what it sounds like! Poets and prose writers are invited to offer up pieces that deal with worlds colliding, whether that involves people, places, events, or anything in between. As long as it revolves around two or more differing subjects coming together, it’s eligible!

From the “theme” section of our website:

You may be familiar with the concept of kaleidoscopes, but just in case, here’s a little refresher: Largely considered a child’s toy, these devices consist of broken pieces of glass, gems, or paper that bounce off mirrors to create visual phenomenons in the form of ever-changing patterns.

The magic comes from the act of different elements coming together, and that’s exactly what we’re challenging you to do in our second issue: Show us a collide-oscope.

But what’s a collide-oscope, you may be asking? It’s our own little invention, describing worlds, events, people, or whatever you can imagine coming together in a burst of brightness and color. We want to see the rawness of opposing personalities, the very shrapnel coming off universes as they clash. So if you have an idea like that, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and submit it!

We strongly encourage you to please read our submission guidelines in their entirety before you enter.

Include in your email submission: name, brief bio (less than two hundred words), and a method of contact (if different from email). Although we will have access to this information, selection will still remain anonymous and merit-based; attached files will be downloaded without identifying features and shuffled for maximum objectivity.

Submission Period
September 30, 2024 - December 30, 2024

Contact Name
Abigail Mandlin
Contact Title
Contact Email Address

Poetry Fiction Print & Online Magazine