Lit Fox Books is open for poetry submissions

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Lit Fox Books

Call For Submissions

Lit Fox Books, a nonprofit press based in Austin, TX, is seeking book-length poetry submissions.

Our goals as a press are to offer reasonable response times, friendly communication, intriguing book covers, cool merchandise, and fair royalty rates.

Our authors receive 25% royalties, worldwide distribution, 25 author copies with no mark up on additional copies, 25 customized book marks with the opportunity for other customized items, and an interview with Lit Fox Books that will be published on the website.

Please note the website is currently in the process of being renovated.

Submissions may be emailed to [email protected] or may be submitted through the website ( Please note there is no fee to submit, and our response time is typically one month.

Submission Period
May 31, 2024 - May 31, 2025

Contact Name
Lisa Mottolo
Contact Title
Founding Editor
Contact Email Address

Poetry Press