litl – 02. short story contest

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Call For Submissions

It is with utmost delight that we launch the 02. short story contest, our inaugural literary competition for litl – an insta-native literary journal.

We are looking for fiction designed to be consumed on Instagram. Fiction that is urgent, immersive, and reflective of the ways we experience written word today.We want to be challenged, beguiled, transformed. In this trying time, as Cyril Connolly put it, we are seeking something that charts an escape route not from, but into living.

Your piece should contain more words than the number of Arabian Nights, yet arrive just before the 4th millennium. Multimedia possibilities are welcome, nay, encouraged. This means text messages, emails, images, screenshots, receipts – just as those things litter our contemporary lives. The winning work will be designed for this space, in collaboration with a graphic designer, much like what we’ve done with James Joyce’s Araby (see 01 in our highlights on @litl.gram)

To submit, you’ll need to go through Duosuma, which means setting up an account on Duotrope if you don’t have one already. We ask for a $5 nominal fee – a small token to keep the gears turning. The winning piece will receive $100. Send us your work before the 90th day of the year in pdf format. You’ll find the full submission guidelines through the Duotrope link below with the full submission guidelines! Break a pen ✨


Submission Period
February 19, 2025 - March 31, 2025

Contact Name
Arjun Dasani
Contact Title
Contact Email Address
Contact Website

Fiction Online Magazine