Issue 18 encourages writers UNDER 18 to send their creative exploration in poetry or fiction.
NOTE: for this issue, writers are required to include their age in their Title Information. This will be used for internal verification and sorting only and will not be available to the editors. Submissions will be sorted by age group and pieces will be selected from each age group.
YES, the following are okay:
- minors may use their parents’ email or Duotrope/suma account to send their work
- parents may gently assist minors in the creation and formatting of their submission
- parents may submit minors’ work on their behalf
- submissions may include two email addresses for dual contact
- teachers are encouraged to share this call with students or make this call an active part of a lesson plan
Editors’ advice: create something new and have fun!
Send fiction (up to 5,000 words) or poetry (up to 15 lines, limit two per writer). Call closes February 20.
Required Title Information must be included at the start of your document body, aligned left:
Name or Pseudonym, email address, AGE
Entry Title
Word or Line Count
Submissions without correct Title Information as listed above will be rejected unread.
Submissions including fanfiction, religious, political, or erotic content will be rejected unread.
Please do not submit AI-assisted or generated content.
Please try to avoid subjects of abuse or suicide. Recovery subjects are welcome!
Submissions accepted through Duosuma, Email, and Dropbox. Links on our website.