Bicoastal Review

Type Of Publisher
Magazine, Online
Genres Published
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Poetry, Cross Genre Hybrid, Audio, Criticism Reviews, Essays, Feminist, Interviews, Reviews, Translation, Visual Art
Year Established
San Diego, CA
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Bicoastal Review is a quarterly journal of poetry (with audio), nonfiction, interviews, photography, and art that fosters cross-genre conversations, often about—but not limited to—topics of the U.S. East Coast and West Coast. We have published writers and artists from around the world, and support emerging poets, women, LGBTQIA+ writers, and writers of historically underrepresented backgrounds. We celebrate political poetry and poetry of place. The writing we publish often addresses social issues such as environmental destruction, the impact of digital media, the nuances of immigrant histories, traumas of modern life, and the politicization of gender and sexuality. We have published sonnets, haikus, triolets, prose poems, found poems, elegies, and much more. We invite contributors to consider intertextuality and respond ekphrastically to our past publications. We also have an annual poetry contest.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
Submission Guidelines URL
Reading Period
Year round
Response Time
1-3 months
Charges Writers A Submission/Reading Fee
Fee Amount
Author Payments
Average Unique Visitors Per Month
How Frequently Is Content Updated?
Number Of Issues Per Year
Subscription Price
Total Subscribers
Total Circulation
Do You Have Any Cover Letter Advice?
No cover letter necessary!
What Do You Look For In A Submission?
We are looking for memorable contemporary writing and art. We have an eye for pieces that showcase a strong tone in any mood, imagery, poetic turns, and place.
What Advice Do You Have For First-time Submitters?
Read our past issues and submit something inspired by our past content. Don't worry about having an "impressive" bio.

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