Chrysalism Press

Type Of Publisher
Genres Published
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Poetry
Year Established
Brownstown, MI
Robert Laidler
Founder/Executive Director
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
At Chrysalism, our mission is simple: invest time, energy, and resources into new and emerging writers by providing a safe and ethical place for them to submit their work. We define a “new” writer as any individual who is in some way new to the creative writing world, whether they are unpublished after years of effort, young and new to writing in general, or an avid writer who has yet to submit their work anywhere. We define “emerging” as any individual who does not have a full length manuscript published by a nationally recognized press or a self-published author who has used their own resources to produce a manuscript. These target groups are integral to our mission of being a career-launching publisher, as we seek to emphasize and celebrate new voices not just in special issues, but all year long. We believe that creative writing is, as much as other staples, a catalyst for community outreach. We envision that as we establish our online presence with new and emerging voices, we will influence the new standard for publishing: ethical publishing models that places the creator of the work on the same playing field as the publisher, transparent responses teamed with reasonable response times, tested and trained peer readers valuing strength of craft over prestige, notoriety, and external identifiers (believing that it is the work that will speak volumes, never turning anyone away because of, but not publishing because of either). The pillars upon which we’ve built our journal will always be at the forefront of every decision we make, and at the root, we will always be a journal/press for new and emerging artists, that cannot, and will not change!
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions