Cold Mountain Review

Type Of Publisher
Genres Published
Essays, Fiction, Poetry, Reviews, Visual Art
Year Established
Boone, NC
Mark Powell
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Multi-genre and multi-perspective; local, regional, and international; featuring the established, the neglected, and the emerging: Cold Mountain Review aims to recapture strands of its founding vision as well as to offer new and innovating ideas about place, sustainability, writing, and art. Come join us as we create the serious mischief of cultural change. As Han-Shan bids us: "Try and make it to Cold Mountain."
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
What Advice Do You Have For First-time Submitters?
Please, before you submit, read a few issues of the journal online, and see what we're about. Our focus is fairly specific, and it's a waste of your time and ours to send us work that is not along the lines of what we publish.