dispersed holdings

Type Of Publisher
Year Established
New York, NY
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
dispersed holdings is an artist-run platform for experimental publishing, reading, and listening practices founded in 2015 by Sal Randolph and David Richardson. For two years (2016–18), dispersed was sited in the former Bowery apartment of the artist Eva Hesse. During that time, the space gave site to small-scale gathering, slowed durations, reading/writing/publishing, cooking and eating, collective making, collective listening. dispersed holdings continues as a publication project, beginning with three books that document the space and its activities. One of these, Reading Room, was one of the Brooklyn Rail's 20 Best Art Books of 2020. Our newest publications expand on notions of reading in its broadest sense (reading as experience, reading as grammar, reading as translation, and more).
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
