
Type Of Publisher
Year Established
Sarasota, Florida
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Magazine1 hopes to serve as both a showcase of excellent writing from around the world, but also as a literary hub for the Sarasota/St. Pete/Tampa area. We want to showcase work that challenges our ingrained understanding of what writing is as well as who it is that is writing. While we are not an explicitly experimental journal, and are happy to receive submissions that practice traditional forms, we encourage our submitters to give us work they feel they might have a hard time placing elsewhere. This may be because it defies genre expectations in one way or another, or because it may have somewhat challenging subject matter. Our mission is to create a space in which writers can explore the reaches of their imagination, and in that space cultivate a diverse community, both locally in the Sarasota area and the nation over.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
Submission Guidelines URL
Reading Period
Year round
Response Time
Average Unique Visitors Per Month
