TAB: The Journal of Poetry & Poetics

Type Of Publisher
Year Established
Orange, CA
Anna Leahy
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
Launched in 2013,Tab Journal is an international journal of all things poetry at Tabula Poetica: The Center for Poetry at Chapman University. The project is a collaboration between writer Anna Leahy and information designer Claudine Jaenichen. When we say, “space before text,” we mean that design thinking extends both to textual content and to the space the work creates. We understand that form, format, and design of text and space can create various reading experiences. Because Tab Journal appears as a unique print issue each January and as online issues the rest of the year, we experiment with design, materiality, and the reading experience as print and electronic forms negotiate coexistence. As part of our design thinking, Tab Journal is committed to creating an increasingly inclusive literary space, welcoming work that represents a variety of approaches and aesthetics, including work from those whose voices have been traditionally underrepresented in literary publishing.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions