The Awakenings Project

Type Of Publisher
Year Established
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
The Awakenings Review (AR) is a Chicago-based literary journal entirely about mental illness and edited and written by people with lived experience and those close to them. The stories and poems that we publish, from approximately 32 writers and poets in each issue, are frequently about the first-person experience of mental illness and are written by people who best know mental illness: the people who walk the walk. Not only do we publish stories that are concise accounts of the experiences of mental illness, but we also publish poems that use poignant metaphors to convey mental illness in ways that simple factual accounts cannot do. At AR, truth is at a premium. People who contribute to AR are telling their stories without the need to hide or tell half-truths. Everyone who is published in AR knows that it is a publication about mental illness by people with mental illness and there is no reason to not be truthful because of a fear of loss or retribution.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
Reading Period
Year round
Response Time
Number Of Issues Per Year
Total Circulation
