Type Of Publisher
Genres Published
Essays, Graphic Novels Comics, Poetry, Reviews, Visual Art
Year Established
N/A, N/A
Liz Charlotte Grant
Contributing Editor, Marketing & Operations
Mission Statement / Editorial Focus
The Curator Magazine is an online-only journal that explores the meaning and matters of the heart, as reflected in cultural objects, experiences, and the arts. Our staff accepts essay pitches and submissions and poetry submissions year-round, and we publish at least one essay (including memoir, reviews and interviews) and one poem weekly. (It's free to submit and we do not pay.) We prefer pitches for essays. We're interested in:
-essays that contemplate the stories behind everyday objects;
-coverage of artist and their artworks paired with personal reflection and/or cultural commentary;
-photo essays and travelogues;
-personalized reviews (not timely);
-intimate artist interviews;
-philosophizing on cultural kitsch or personal objects of value. We publish a diversity of voices and welcome women writers, BIPOC writers, LGBTQ+ writers and emerging writers in our publication. For our guidelines, visit, or find us on Duosuma at We aim to respond within one month.
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions
Average Unique Visitors Per Month
How Frequently Is Content Updated?
2x weekly
Do You Have Any Cover Letter Advice?
Yes! We suggest pitching a nonfiction idea first, rather than writing a whole submission on spec (unlike most lit. mags). View our guide to pitching, written by one of our editors:
What Do You Look For In A Submission?
A pitch or a poem should hold our attention and make us want to keep reading. Or in the case of a poem, it should make us want to re-read. A NF submission should be focused on dissecting the meaning of a particular object, artist, or experience.
What Advice Do You Have For First-time Submitters?
On the prose side, the Curator is more journalistic than some lit. mags. Give your work a catchy title. Remember that most readers will peruse the magazine on their phone. Be willing to collaborate with our staff. Send us your weirdsies.
Do You Have A Favorite Unsolicited Submission Discovery Or Anecdote?
For a couple of our current editors, the Curator magazine was our first by-line. So we want to return the favor to other emerging writers!
Who Is Your Ideal Reader?
Gen-X and Millennial art lovers with a penchant for spiritual experiences and an attraction to cultural kitsch.